Monday, June 16, 2008

Alien Lovers, Rejoice!

Here is a video of Nancy Leider, a person (I think) who has met aliens from other planets. She has even met a 6-foot tall roach! Nancy is the emissary to the Zetas. I don't really understand a lot of what their site is talking about, but check out the video.

If Nancy has gone to so many planets and knows so many aliens, why is she here on earth? I guess I wouldn't want to party with huge roaches either.

On the flip side, here is some advice on how to avoid an alien abduction. The site I found it on is pretty great and funny. I guess this would be some good advice if I was ever worried about being abducted.:

A physical measure to help prevent an abduction from occurring is to make sure at dusk that all of your doors, sliding glass doors, and windows are locked and that all the glass openings to the outside are covered with a thick shade/curtain. If you leave any window uncovered, you will leave yourself vulnerable to having the paralysis beams enter your home. Zetans can pick locks as easily as any locksmith but they will not enter a vehicle or a home unless they know that their intended is either paralyzed and/or unconscious. They are fully aware that people will attempt to defend themselves, possibly by shooting at them.

Secondly, if you see a UFO or alien, DO NOT stare or attempt to get a better look. IMMEDIATELY go indoors and avoid all windows. If you can see them, then you can already be targeted for a paralysis beam to initiate a kidnapping.

Most alien abductions occur under the cloak of darkness (at night). However, there are reports of them also happening in broad daylight on deserted highways and in sparsely populated areas.

...There is a discarnate facet to abductions that also needs to be addressed. What I mean by this is that there collectives of pro-Zetan spirits (not all alien spirits are evil) that help cultivate the environment for an abduction to occur by physical aliens. If you can be aware of that sinister influence and deal with it accordingly, it takes some or all of the emotional wind out of the physical kidnappers and may prevent them from attempting a physical abduction.

Good spirits work through and around good people. Spiritually indifferent/evil spirits work through and around spiritually indifferent/evil people.

A spiritual measure to help prevent an abduction from occurring is to sincerely pray everyday for Protection, Healing and Guidance/Accuracy. "Prayer is talking to God and Meditation is listening to God." One needs to allocate time each day for being open to guidance in meditation. In turn, you may eventually get a warning about an impending alien abduction in the works or some other important advice.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

If you are intuitively tipped off ahead of time of the possibility, you can more successfully sidestep a dangerous situation and elude capture. we have been forewarned.

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