Sunday, December 19, 2010

ID theft dates back to the 1930s

Mrs. Scrader Whitcher comparing  her
real card to the fake printed in wallets.

ID theft is a big problem with which I hope to never have to deal.

One of the earliest recorded misuses of Social Security numbers dates back to 1938, when Hilda Schrader Whitcher's brilliant boss, Vice President and Treasurer of the E. H. Ferree company Douglas Patterson, a wallet manufacturing company , decided to show prospective buyers that a Social Security card fit perfectly in the wallet. I guess people carried their SSN cards around back in the day.

Consequently, others thought it would be a genius idea to use the "specimen" Social Security number as their own. Its usage peaked in the mid-1940s. This ID theft became such a problem that the FBI visited Mrs. Schrader Whitcher to investigate why so many people were using her SSN. The ID theft victim later explained in an interview, " "They started using the number. They thought it was their own. I can't understand how people can be so stupid. I can't understand that." Needless to say, Mrs. Schrader Whitcher was issued a new Social Security number.

The "specimen" card
The crazy thing is that this is not the first time an incident like this has happened. Read more about this story from the Social Security Administration.

[photos: Social Security Administration]

Pull out your red and blue 3-D glasses

While advances in 3-D technology are far superior compared to 10 years ago, you can never get rid of your red and blue 3-D glasses. I admit I have a pair in almost every room of my home. The glasses came in handy when I stumbled on Swell 3D, a site that features 3-D pictures.

Here are some of my favorites (you will need a pair of red and blue 3-D glasses to view these correctly):

Friday, December 17, 2010

25% of men travel with a stuffed animal

Personally, I don't see a problem with this. There are a lot worse things men (or women) can take with them in their luggage. An ABC News report stated that a British hotel chain that has hotels all over the world reunited 75,000 with their owners within the span of a year.

ABC News reports:
"Travelodge surveyed 6,000 Britons and discovered that 35 percent of adults admitted they sleep with their teddy because they found cuddling their bear comforting. Additionally, many said the calming feeling of a bear hug helped them lower their stress level after a hard day.

"...Travelodge said that 25 percent of men reported they take their teddy bear away with them when going away on business. The stuffed animal supposedly reminds them of home and -- some say -- helps fill a cuddle-void left by distant partners."

Stuffed animals make great pillows, especially when most normal pillows are torture on my neck. Three cheers for teddy bear travelers!

[photo: Lin Pernille Photography]

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wizard with a press pass

I came across the funniest review while doing some research on the Universal Life Church. The review is from a person who purchased a press pass from the organization:

"I purchased this Press card with the intent on becoming a wizard or a mystic warrior. My life has changed since I can now do magic. I do not know what to say other than god is great. People look at me differently now. I am the wizard of life and god is my creator. I am the wizard of life and god is my creator."

After laughing out loud, which I don't often do when I'm in a room by myself, I grew curious. What in the world is a wizard (or a mystic warrior) going to do with a press pass? How does magic enhance a press pass? Is is like Doctor Who's psychic paper now?  So many questions...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I like turtles

What zombie kid in Oregon doesn't like turtles?

She did ask him what he thought.


This video was shot after the older brother accidentally hit the baby's mouth, which bled. I'd be laughing, too, if I was holding the camera.

"Blood-ah. Not funny!"

Hide your kids, hide your wife

"We gonna find you; I'm letting you know now."

Leprechaun Spotting in Alabama

Some folks in Alabama saw a leprechaun! No way! The best part of this video is the artist sketch of the leprechaun--it is amazing.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Awesome hotel promo pics

 These pics are from the Club Hotel Dolphin, which actually looks like a really nice resort. These pictures, however, are too funny.

A "Whose Line is it" type sketch?

Check out the enthusiasm of the kids in the pool

Strange ad

I am all for World Vision, and my youth group has participated in several fundraisers to help their organization. However, this is one of the strangest ads I have ever seen. I know the intent behind it, but still. ...I love the photo-shopped bow, too.

Give a goat.