Monday, September 8, 2008

Oprah Won't Let Palin Sit on Her Couch. Reason: She's Not of the Same Race


Many reports claim that Oprah is refusing to let the Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, have an interview on her show. Yes, we all know Oprah loves Barak Obama and has given him tons of money and publicity and endorsements. But can a person who supposedly stands up for equality, the success of women, and loves a good ol' small town success story snub a person because she is from a different political party?

Yes, it's Oprah's show and she can have who and what she wants on it. However, it is hard for me to swallow all of that equality and empowerment talk if Oprah is willing to have child molesters sit on her couch, but not an upfront, successful person because she is not of the same race...political race.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oprah and Palin should be able to like or dislike whoever they want... too bad that's pretty much impossible if they want to maintain their approval ratings